How To Use The Yoni Egg
Lay Down- Start laying down. You can move to sitting or standing positions later.
Locate You Muscles- They are the same muscles that prevent your urine from flowing.
Gently Insert- Make sure the string remains outside.
Contract- Contract for 30 seconds then rest for 1-2 minutes. Do this 3-5 times. Do not leave the egg in past the exercise period.
Listen to your Body- If you are tired, rest. If you can do more, go for it! Every woman has different needs. Make sure to go at your own pace.
Don’t rush- A relaxed pace is essential for proper performance and safety.
Relax- Muscle release and exhalation are just as important as contraction.
Watch the String- Make sure the thread is in good shape. If not, replace it with un-waxed floss. It is recommended to replace the string after each use.
Yoni Massage- Enter this page to learn how to do it.
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